• Why Should You Consider In-Home Nursing For Your Family Member?

    If the time has come for you to make sure your loved one is cared for in a more hands-on manner due to their age or physical condition, you may want to consider making arrangements to have them cared for while they still remain at home. A company like Assured Home Nursing Services Inc can provide you with more information on in-home care. Here are some of the reasons why allowing your loved one to receive their nursing care in home can be a very good idea:
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  • Ways That A Home Health Aide May Feel Like A Member Of Your Family

    When you hire a home health aide to care for an elderly family member who lives with you, you can expect that the aide will help with grooming, medication, physical exercise, and much more. What you might not expect, however, is how the caregiver can grow to seem like a member of your family. This is especially true if you mainly rely on one specific caregiver, rather than a team of them, and if the caregiver is with your family for an extended period of time.
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  • 2 Tips For Helping Your Elderly Loved One Stay In Good Health After The Death Of Their Spouse

    If a senior you care for just lost their spouse, then you may wonder just what you can do for them to help them get through the grieving process in a healthy way. Of course, the loss of a spouse is difficult emotionally for a person of any age, but it can take a bigger toll on the elderly both mentally and physically. The process of grieving puts stress on the mind and body, and since seniors are already more prone to health problems due to simple old age, their physical health can suffer after the loss of a spouse if they are not encouraged to take the right steps to stay healthy.
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  • 5 Tips for Caring for a Parent With Alzheimer's

    Finding out that your parent has Alzheimer's disease can be devastating. This disease progressively gets worse and your parent will not be able to do everyday tasks that came so easily before. However, instead of getting frustrated and upset, try to make your parent's life as happy and stress free as possible. Here are five helpful tips for caring for a parent with Alzheimer's: Create a Routine If your parent has Alzheimer's, it is helpful to follow the same routine every day.
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  • Look For These Strengths If You Wish To Work As A Home Health Nurse

    Whether you have a medical background or you're simply someone who is looking to make a major career change, you might be tempted to explore the role of home health nurse. In this role, you'll spend shifts at patients' homes, providing the care they need to continue to live with a certain degree of independence. Before you use your credentials to apply for a position of this type or enroll in school to begin the process of working toward this career, you should always try to evaluate your personal strengths to determine if they're in alignment with a job of this type.
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  • When You Should Hire A Home Health Care Service For Your Loved One

    When you have an elderly loved one that requires regular care and assistance, you may find yourself in the position of being their primary caregiver. While you want to do the best you can to provide your loved one with everything they need, there may come a point when you will want to consider hiring a home health care service company to take over or supplement your care. In order to know whether or not that time has come, get to know some of the reasons you may want and need to hire a home health care service.
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  • Getting Your Home Ready For Your Knee Replacement Surgery

    If you are scheduled to have knee replacement surgery, chances are good that you are already having some mobility issues. The good news is that you will likely regain your ability to get around more easily after your surgery. This will not be an immediate effect of the surgery, however; you will need to make some changes around your home to allow you to recuperate comfortably. Here are some considerations to keep in mind as you prepare your home to accommodate your healing after knee replacement.
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  • 3 Places To Look For Replacement Parts For Your Used Fitness Equipment

    Purchasing used fitness equipment is a great way to save money. Much of the used equipment sold can be anywhere from a few months old to a number of years. In most cases, the equipment is sold after the warranty has expired. This leaves the new owner with very little assistance and help if something does happen to the fitness equipment. If your fitness equipment does malfunction, finding repair parts for it can be difficult to do.
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  • 3 Tips That Will Entertain Your Elderly Relative As They Recover From An Injury

    If one of your elderly relatives is recovering from a bad fall, the following tips will provide them with entertainment while they are resting in bed. Each idea will boost your loved one's morale, which could assist in helping them get better faster. Make A Slide Show Of Special Memories Have some of your relative's favorite memories put onto slides. Bring some standard photographs or digital pictures to a photography shop and have them professionally transferred.
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  • Three Safety Bath Aides for Seniors

    If you have an older relative that is living on their own and has mobility problems, they might be at risk when getting in and out of the bath. That is why bath aides are so helpful. There are a variety of bath aides, including seats and boards, that will allow your relative to bathe without injuring themselves. Adjustable Seats and Benches Among the different bath aides available, the ones that adjust are highly recommended.
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